There's no bullsh*t like marketing bullsh*t.

So let's cut exaggerated information, fluff, and noise.
And lead with authenticity, honesty, and boldness.

You have the right to hear this:


You aspire to be noticeable.

Naturally, this means you aim to achieve ambitious growth targets within 12 months... 25%, 100%, or an even more significant leap.

The B2B tech company you work for (or own) can proudly say...

You have an incredibly useful product.

Your product isn't another item on the list. What you offer has a high strategic value. Your sales cycle is long because multiple stakeholders influence the buying decision.

To speed up your sales process and gain faster results...

You want to add specialists.

Rather than handling all the complexities of marketing in-house, you want to collaborate with experts and let them do what they do best.

That's what decision-makers like you value:

Do the right things and get sh*t done.

And to battle challenges like demonstrating marketing ROI, engaging customers in new ways... adapting to constant platform changes... and keeping up with rapid tech advancements...

You want more than an agency.

You want team players who get your B2B biz and deliver excellence (and expect the same greatness from you).

What you actually are saying is that...

You are looking for a partner.

You want the kind who will challenge your thinking without adding more stuff to your to-do list.

And since this isn't your first rodeo...

You clearly know what you don't want.

You cut through nonsense like a hot knife through butter left out on a picnic table on a sunny afternoon.

Which leads us to believe this to be true...

You're remarkable.

And brilliant. With a track record of success.

For that very reason...

You deserve the founders.

Not to be handed off to account managers and junior talent. You're a priority and focus.

So we know this for sure...

You can achieve big things.

And what about inLink?


There was this one time when they were described as a blend of McKinsey and a marketing agency.

They say it's because of their superhero combo of marketing, sales, biz dev, and tech, which puts their customers in the best position to achieve the best outcomes.

It's like having the Avengers working for you, except the Hulk smashing stuff.

And finally, let's stop talking about ourselves in the third person 🤣

Here's the deal.

You'll like the way you look.

Luke Skywalker had Yoda, Cinderella had the Fairy Godmother, Steve Jobs had Steve Wozniak, and you have us — smooth teamwork for grand accomplishments.

Customers also say we're a fun bunch, which must certainly be why they often invite us to their Christmas parties.

Yeah, we hope to join your celebrations too🤞

A core team + collaborators

inLink is a small group of strategists supported by a network of skillful collaborators.

It's a small mix of talents from around the globe who have worked together for some time now. We aspire to create narratives that resonate from Stockholm to Silicon Valley.

We're gamers, surf enthusiasts, designers, copywriters, journalists, developers, movie lovers, drummers, baristas, typography nerds, music producers, hardworking entrepreneurs, and proud parents.

And we play fair, always say it as it is, and can assemble an IKEA Billy bookcase blindfolded 😄

You've made it this far.

If you're still curious, here's what makes us different:

Our principles and values.

Or perhaps you could do what we call a micro conversion:

Sign up for our infrequent newsletter.

We learn a lot. And do our best to share it with you.

Or if you feel bold and would rather talk than continue reading:

Say hello.

We encourage it.

At inLink, we're fans of holding strong opinions while being open to change. And we like to argue like we're right and listen as if we're wrong. So feel free to speak your mind.

Either way, thanks for scrolling.

Virtual hugs for reading 🤗

Enjoy the rest of your day, buddy.